Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Such a Tease!

Although I told myself not to, I ignored my own advice and got my hopes up again that Baby Rude might be on his way. I noticed some regular contractions last night (Tuesday) and started timing them around 9:30pm for almost 4 hours. They began about 5-8 minutes apart, and then for an hour or so they were 3-5 minutes, and then they went back to being 6-7 minutes apart. Finally around 1:30 this morning we decided to just try to get some sleep and the contractions tapered off. False alarm! This is more evidence to support my theory that Baby Rude is going to be a mischievous little boy!

I had a routine doctor appointment this morning (Wednesday) and there has been some progress at least. She said I'm dilated 2 cm now, 70% effaced, and baby's head is "very low." The doc said, "I know I told you this last week, but it really could be ANY TIME." Right, so helpful. =) So we keep waiting... Baby Rude's official due date is Friday but we'll see what kind of plans he has!

Maybe I'll be one of those lucky ladies who has her water break in front of a crowd of people. (I'd better not say that aloud and give the little guy any ideas!)

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