Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, from the Rudes!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Baby Rude's (Almost) 1st Christmas

The holidays are a time for family and I'm excited that our family will be growing in the near future! David and I had an original "three-year-plan" when we got married. We wanted to wait until we had been married for three years before we had children. Well, three years turned into four, and then we started really talking about it seriously. I think he was ready long before I was, but I just wanted to be SURE that it was the right time. I mean, having a baby is a huge life-changing event in my mind.

There were so many things to consider, but when it came down to it, what were we really waiting for? =) ...and now it seems like all I'm doing is waiting - I am so excited to meet our little guy! This will be the last Christmas for just David and I. Next year, we'll have a tiny Rude crawling(?) around, chewing on ornaments(?), and trying to sneak a peek at the presents. It will be such a joy! His due date is sometime in April (originally the 22nd, now the 10th, we'll see what they pick next...) so he'll be born just before our five-year anniversary. I'm looking forward to enjoying these last couple of months alone with David as we prepare to welcome little Rude into our family.

I'm convinced he's adorable already!

Merry (almost) 1st Christmas Baby Rude!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Fluffy Precipitation

It seems like the snow has been a permanent part of the landscape around here. On Monday we felt that we had been cooped-up in the house for long enough and decided to venture out into the arctic chill. I'm a chicken about driving in the snow (or even being a passenger, for that matter) so we decided to take advantage of TriMet. We walked to the MAX stop near our house to find that because of frozen switches, the train was not in operation this far north. We took a shuttle bus to Gateway and then caught the train to Lloyd Center. There were a surprising number of people there - doing last-minute Xmas shopping and probably just wanting to escape cabin-fever!

We are ready to be out of the house!

We're not taking a car out today!

I can still see my feet!

Making my way to the MAX station.

Outside Lloyd Center.

Waiting for the MAX to take us home.

We're happy to be back to our cozy home!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mrs. Domestic for a Day

Sometimes I wish I was a bit more of a "Martha Stewart" - type. It would be fabulous to take out fresh-baked desserts with homemade oven mitts in my perfectly organized kitchen. I would feel grand to be surrounded by the scent of my custom candles as I wrote in perfect calligraphy on my personally-designed Christmas cards while snuggled under my hand-stitched quilt. My guests would be impressed by my whimsical decorations and various craft projects, as much as they would be in awe of my perfectly landscaped yard and abundantly productive garden. Alas, I guess that's just not me...

However, I was pretty proud of myself earlier this week. I managed to get all my store-bought Xmas cards addressed and sent out, and included a cheesy photo in each one that I forced David and Tucker to take with me. I also felt pretty clever and domestic when I made some fun treats to take to my office Christmas party on Thursday. I found a picture of some "candy sushi" online and thought I might give it a try. It was fun!

Filling the tray with goodies.

The finished product!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm sure everyone in the Portland area is sick of hearing about the snow (I know I am!) I just have to share my report though, and maybe some pictures. I think we are on day 10 now of the Winter Wonderland, but at least we haven't been stuck at home for all of it. David is always excited to drive in hazardous conditions and he says our little Hyundai actually handles pretty well (good thing we bought those new tires!) I don't really mind staying home and doing indoor stuff but David gets a little cuckoo after awhile. As long as we have electricity and can stay warm, I'm content!

Yesterday we took Tucker to the big field near our house to get some exercise. He bounded through the snow and ice and had a jolly good time. As far as dogs go, he's actually kind of a wimpy one (he is mostly poodle, afterall.) He's often startled by harmless noises and will get spooked by things such as his own tail. For these reasons, it was a bit surprising to us that he took such a liking to the snow. He goes crazy in the stuff! Young Tuck has been running and pouncing and eating the beautiful fluff. When we finally make him come in to defrost, he sits by the back doors and wistfully watches the flakes falling in the yard.

David with Tucker at the field.

This pup is ready to run!

Look at his energy!

Time to thaw-out!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Zoo Lights

It is truly a Winter Wonderland here in Portland this week! The snow is beautiful and I enjoy observing it from an indoor location. I'm not a fan of driving at any time, but when there is even a chance of slickness, I'd rather just stay on my couch with a cup of cocoa and a good book. Unfortunately, my job cannot be performed from my couch, so David must be my trusty chauffeur. I will regale you with more about the snow in a later blog (and share some pics when I get them off my camera.) Now, back to the title topic...

Last Friday we had the treat of going to see the Zoo Lights for the very first time with our friends Shaun and Jessica. We bundled-up and drove out to the Westside with expectations of a small crowd. I was surprised how many people were out in the snow/rain/cold at night - many of them with small children! Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable time strolling through the zoo and pondering how high the electric bill must be. They had some great displays and it was a swell way to get into the holiday spirit. Here are a few pics from the evening...

There was a pleasant glow along the pathways.

These are some of the "animals" on display.

There's nothing quite like a hug from a person dressed in a semi-creepy Polar Bear costume!

Monday, December 15, 2008

You Mean I'm Supposed to Shop BEFORE Christmas?

So I guess Christmas is just next week. 10 short days away... I thought I was prepared for this! We got our tree and lights up weeks ago, and the snow is here now, but I really thought I had more time! Guess who hasn't purchased a SINGLE Christmas gift yet this year?

To be fair, it is important to note that David and I agreed to have a scaled-back Christmas this year. With David only working part-time for now and the loss of my job looming in the future, it just makes sense to be frugal. Plus, we've never really been ones to break the bank over "stuff." We've had the opportunity to make donations to different charities and to volunteer our time with some great programs (that have been really fun) so I definitely feel in the holiday spirit. It's just kinda' weird that our tree has a big empty skirt underneath (if you don't count the dead pine needles.) I've told my family that we're just going to do small (read: inexpensive) gifts this year, and we don't feel obligated to send something to every half-cousin or nephew-in-law, so that makes things simpler too. I guess I should have planned ahead a bit more and devised some creative homemade gifts to knock everyone's socks off with my cleverness and skill. I guess there's always next year. ...or is it too late to take up needlepoint?

For your holiday enjoyment, here is a picture of Tucker (our dog) supervising David as he decorates the Christmas Tree.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Preggo Pic

I'm not exactly waddling yet, but Baby Rude has bumped me out of most of my normal clothes. Here we are at 21 weeks...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Stretchy Jeans and Citrus Fruit

You may have guessed from the title of this entry that I am going to write about pregnancy. It really is the strangest thing - being pregnant I mean. Currently, I am enjoying every moment of it, but some of the early stages have not been so fun. Allow me to reflect a bit...

The day I found out that we were expecting, I couldn't contain my excitement! We had only very recently decided that we were finally ready to entertain the possibility of adding a new member to the Rude family, and then it was suddenly a reality! I took the at-home test during my lunch break and already had a feeling that I knew what the results would be. Sure enough - the line was definitely there! I hid the evidence in the bathroom and planned to surprise David that night. So much for that idea... He got a cut on his hand and went digging around for the antibacterial ointment and came across the test. I heard him in the bathroom ask confusedly, "um...what does this mean?" I raced into the bathroom and said, "it means we're going to have a baby, and it was supposed to be a surprise!" I was really too excited to care about him finding it, and we could talk about little else that night besides the fact that WE were going to have a CHILD - crazy!

As my pregnancy progressed, my excitment never faded, but sometimes my joyfulness did. Morning sickness really stinks. I know I didn't have it as bad as some women do, but basically I felt like I was a helpless seasick blimp for several weeks. Although I only actually vomited on a few occasions, I felt like I was in a continuous state of nausea for days on end. I would generally make it through my workday without serious incident (eating saltines and drinking water like a madwoman) and then immediatly crash on the couch for a nap each evening. I had to eat something every 2 hours to avoid feeling miserable but not many foods sounded good. My sense of smell was crazy-sensitive (helping trigger more nausea) and my digestive system was all messed up too. The fatigue was what shocked me the most though. I could hardly stay awake at my computer, driving, hanging out with friends, - anytime really. Thankfully, these symptoms started to decrease around week 15 and by week 18 or 19 they were gone.

The second trimester has been wonderful! Sure my body is feeling uncomfortable and none of my clothes fit, but I get to feel the baby moving around now and we've been able to experience the wonder of ultrasound. It was hard to distinguish "baby" movements from other bodily movements early on, but around Thanksgiving time I was sure that those jabs were coming from tiny fists and feet. Now I've got a regular little party animal. It doesn't matter what time of day or what I'm doing - there's a lot of movement going on in there! We had two early ultrasounds at the doctor to confirm the pregnancy and check the heart, but our 20 week ultrasound was really something amazing. First, we found out that we're going to have a boy! He really is the most precious thing I have ever seen. He was making little chewing motions with his tiny mouth, he waved his fingers for us (and gave us the thumbs-up sign - cool kid already), he streched his legs, and tapped his little foot. We got to see all his vital organs and I'll admit that I cried as I watched his beating heart. It is so small and fragile, but it's beating strong in his tiny chest. I can already tell that I'm going to be one of those super-protective moms, sorry everyone. *sigh*

Time is already going so quickly, I just know this little boy is going to arrive before we know it. I'm trying to enjoy every moment while I can, and very much looking forward to welcoming him into my life. In the meantime, I'll wear my stretchy jeans with pride and ignore the jokes about how many oranges and grapefruits I manage to consume! =)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

She's Ba-ack!

I recently had the urge to start writing online and remembered that I had this long-lost blogger account chilling on the web. Well, here I am back at it again! We will see if I can remember to update this thing regularly (or if I have enough excitement in my life to warrant those updates...)

For now, I think I will work on fixing-up my page, and then I'll focus on the content. 15 Days Until Christmas! (in case you don't have a countdown already.)