Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Fluffy Precipitation

It seems like the snow has been a permanent part of the landscape around here. On Monday we felt that we had been cooped-up in the house for long enough and decided to venture out into the arctic chill. I'm a chicken about driving in the snow (or even being a passenger, for that matter) so we decided to take advantage of TriMet. We walked to the MAX stop near our house to find that because of frozen switches, the train was not in operation this far north. We took a shuttle bus to Gateway and then caught the train to Lloyd Center. There were a surprising number of people there - doing last-minute Xmas shopping and probably just wanting to escape cabin-fever!

We are ready to be out of the house!

We're not taking a car out today!

I can still see my feet!

Making my way to the MAX station.

Outside Lloyd Center.

Waiting for the MAX to take us home.

We're happy to be back to our cozy home!

1 comment:

Jessica G said...

isn't it so nice to arrive HOME after a long trek in the wintery weather?! I love being out in the snow, but there really is nothing like a warm cozy home afterwards.