Monday, February 22, 2010


Oliver doesn't take any steps on his own in this video, but he does push his lion around and throw Tucker's toy elephant. These are the things this guy does for fun!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

10 Months

Oliver is 10 months old now and it seems that he learns something new each day. He's able to take up to 4 or 5 shaky steps on his own now which is exciting and scary at the same time. It won't be long before he's running! He still loves books, making messes, throwing things, rearranging furniture, and playing with our dog. He give hugs and his vocabulary is constantly growing. His 6th tooth has finally come through and he's currently battling what seems like his millionth cold - we keep kleenex with us at all times. Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. I'll try to see if I have any videos of him walking but it's been tough to catch him in the act!

Vocab Lesson

*Notice that instead of "mama," Oliver says "dada." He can make the sound "ma" but anytime I ask him to say it, he gives the same response. Little stinker.*

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bottoms Up!

Oliver likes to vary his crawling a bit, and I think he feels faster when he gets up on his feet rather than his knees. We don't tell him that it makes him look a little ridiculous though. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

This Old Lady

I know I'm only 28 now, and Lord-willing we'll have another child or two in our family, but why do I sometimes feel like I'm too old to keep up with this boy of mine? He is a pure ball of energy, and a joy for sure, but wow(!) he can keep me on my toes! I think we are notorious at church due to Oli's enthusiastic singing/yelling outbursts and his theatrical escapes from our pew at great speeds. Every meal is a great adventure and every day brings something new. It really has been a delight to see his personality developing and to share in his accomplishment of new stages and milestones. I truly want to cherish every moment we have with him!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Oliver Teases Tucker

Oliver and Tucker are starting to "play" together. Mostly this consists of Oliver grabbing Tucker's toys, pulling his fur, or "yelling" at him as in this video.

Oliver has started saying "dar dar" when referring to the dog and we're not sure if it sounds more like Tucker or dog dog. Either way, it's pretty cute!