Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Baby Rude's (Almost) 1st Christmas

The holidays are a time for family and I'm excited that our family will be growing in the near future! David and I had an original "three-year-plan" when we got married. We wanted to wait until we had been married for three years before we had children. Well, three years turned into four, and then we started really talking about it seriously. I think he was ready long before I was, but I just wanted to be SURE that it was the right time. I mean, having a baby is a huge life-changing event in my mind.

There were so many things to consider, but when it came down to it, what were we really waiting for? =) ...and now it seems like all I'm doing is waiting - I am so excited to meet our little guy! This will be the last Christmas for just David and I. Next year, we'll have a tiny Rude crawling(?) around, chewing on ornaments(?), and trying to sneak a peek at the presents. It will be such a joy! His due date is sometime in April (originally the 22nd, now the 10th, we'll see what they pick next...) so he'll be born just before our five-year anniversary. I'm looking forward to enjoying these last couple of months alone with David as we prepare to welcome little Rude into our family.

I'm convinced he's adorable already!

Merry (almost) 1st Christmas Baby Rude!!!

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