Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Time?

Amidst all the due date drama, and concern that he would arrive early, we really knew all along that Baby Rude would make his entrance into this world on his own time schedule. Despite all the tips from well-meaning friends and family members to help speed things along (most of which I did NOT try) we have come to accept the fact that we're just going to have to wait. Every day brings us closer to welcoming him into our family so at least we're moving in the right direction.

9 days overdue and still smiling. =)

I'm thinking that the waiting may be over sooner than we realize! I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for a couple of weeks now, but starting yesterday they have gotten considerably stronger. The abdominal constriction and back pain continued to wake me up last night and I wondered if it was best for me to go to church today. I made it through the service and even the potluck afterwards (the Miehn spring rolls were SO worth it!) without making a big scene.

This afternoon I rested a bit as well as I could and I took Tucker out for a walk to enjoy a dose of the glorious Oregon sunshine before it was time to leave for our evening Life Group. At our group I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible with each contraction - focusing on the floor and breathing slowly while trying to relax. Only one of the ladies commented that she noticed something was up with me, so I thought that was doing pretty well.

I haven't officially been timing anything today, mostly because every other time I've done that, I've just been disappointed when the contractions eventually taper off. I would guess that throughout the day they have been ranging from 10-15 minutes apart. Now since we've been home this evening, I'm getting more and more uncomfortable and feel like I can't really function with each labor crunch. Since I've started timing about an hour ago, they are averaging every 6 minutes so I'm getting close to the 3-5 minute range. Whoopee!

Maybe this will be my last blog post for awhile - hopefully I'll be in the hospital soon!


Mandi said...

Hey Care!

I hope that this note finds you in the hospital! I'm thinking Baby Rude liked his original 'due' date better! I hope that you are enjoying these last days of being pregnant. As ready as I was to meet Kaden, I kind of missed being pregnant and feeling him move and whatnot afterwards. Not that I would trade having him in my arms for anything. I know you will feel the same!

Mandi said...

Funny, RIGHT after I posted this Grandma called me with your exciting news! Congratulations! Can't wait to meet him!