Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Empty Tomb

Easter Sunday is a day that many people celebrate the fact that Jesus conquered death.

Isn't it awesome that The Creator of everything had a plan from the beginning to save us?! The ultimate sacrifice was made for you and me - despite the fact that we in no way deserve it! I'm so glad that the story didn't end there though. Sure He sent Jesus to die for us, but even death has no power over Him, and that gives us the opportunity for life too! Happy Resurrection Day!!!

On a side note, how did the holiday shift from this...

to this?

On another side note, I have to admit that I was secretly hoping that today I might also be celebrating the empty womb... but Baby Rude doesn't seem to want to cooperate!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Shame on Baby Rude! I was rooting for your 'empty womb' too!