Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oliver Has Arrived!

I won't leave a detailed update (sleep is seeming more important to me right now...) but I will announce that Oliver Keith Rude arrived on Monday, April 20th at 7:28 am. He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 20 inches long. He is absolutely precious and we are completely in love with him! I'll add more pictures later, but here are just a few:


Niki said...

I can't believe you got pictures up already! He is so, so, precious!!! Congratulations again!

Mandi said...

LOL Yeah, I remember that feeling! Oh... he's asleep, I better grab 20 minutes before he wakes up and needs to eat again! :)
Those first few weeks it feels like you are feeding them ALL the time! Hopefully Oliver isn't a sleepy eater like my Kaden! It took him an hour to nurse every time cause I had to wake him up every few minutes! You wouldn't know it now though... 15 minutes max! :)
So don't worry, real sleep is on its way! :)
I'm so excited for you guys! It is going to be so much fun watching them grow up together. :)

Isaiah & Latasha Haynes said...

He is absolutely beautiful and perfect! I cant wait to me him in person! Congrats!