Alright Little Rude Boy. Here's the deal... If you don't want to be known as the "false alarm he's-gonna'-be-early but then really makes his parents wait until AFTER his due date and tortures everyone who is waiting for him to arrive by being on his own schedule and getting too comfortable in my belly" baby, you are seriously running out of time! We only have so many hours left in this day! I mean, I guess I won't complain if you want to wait until this evening and then we can have the quickest and least-painful delivery ever! But unless that is your plan... you are going to encourage your mother to receive lots of comments about WHY YOU ARE NOT HERE YET! You don't want to do that to me, do you?
40 Weeks and still hanging out with the baby in the belly:
Baby Rude, you need to come already! I wanna see you :]
Of course that is exactly what he wants to do...
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