Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Got My Hopes Up

So I really thought last night that Baby Rude might decide to be a March baby rather than an April baby. I'd been having the usual sporadic contractions for most of the evening but at some point in the middle of the night I started getting some that were stronger and closer together. Since I knew that this could go on for awhile, I alternated between trying to time the contractions and also sleeping as much as possible. I don't think I've ever been so uncomfortable! Some of the pains would be within 5-6 minutes of each other but then they would taper off again. My whole abdomen and my lower back were starting to ache and I thought for sure we were progressing toward "the real deal." Then towards 4:00 or 5:00 this morning they started to go away and I felt just fine (besides the fact that I had hardly gotten any sleep!) Boy was I disappointed when my alarm went off a couple hours later and I had to get ready for work as usual. =(

C'mon Baby Rude, we have been busy getting your room all ready! We need to have a snuggly little guy to sit with us in the rocking chair and use up all the diapers!

After all that temporary excitement, I've decided that I'm not really going to hold-out for an April Fools' baby either, because we've only got 1 more day and nothing much seems to be going on in there...


Just me and my kids said...

I think you are at the hardest part, the any day part. It is so hard to wait. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

April would love it if Baby Rude would show up tomorrow, to share her birthday with her. Just saying :)

Hang in there Carrie :)