Thursday, March 05, 2009

Under the Weather

I didn't come to work today until lunch time. I started to feel the beginning stages of a cold yesterday and when I got home last night I crashed on the couch for an hour. My throat was raw, my head was dense and heavy, and my body felt like it had been steamrolled (except my belly, which was protruding and moving around, as usual.) This pic kinda' represents how I felt.

I slept until 8 this morning and then spent the early part of the day taking it easy at home. I finished a book I was reading for book club (The Twentieth Wife) and did a bit of laundry. By lunch, my throat was starting to feel a lot better but I still am achy and my head feels compressed...

Curse you, immune system - you have failed me 3 times this cold season!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

I kept getting sick right about this time in my pregnancy also. So it must be the time when the baby is taking EVERYTHING from you. :)
But so far I haven't been sick since Kaden was born... knock on wood! :)