Monday, March 30, 2009

On The Big Screen!

We had another ultrasound this morning to confirm the measurements and growth of Baby Rude. (Yes, this is our 4th ultrasound of this pregnancy - it's been great to get to see him so many times!) The little guy seems to be healthy and growing right on track for the April 10th due date so it was nice to have that confirmed.

We weren't able to get any pics, since he was facing downward during the viewing, but we did get to see: his heartrate is 138, he is practicing "breathing", he has all the major organs in place, and there is spiky hair all over his head - so cute! We tried to get a peek between his legs just to be sure that he is still a "he" but he was being shy in that area too. The technician estimates that he's about 7lbs. 12oz. right now (and I'm feeling all of that on my bladder!)

Next appt is on Wednesday so we'll see if I'm making any progress towards delivery. Only 11 days until his due date!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Eeeeek! I hope that he comes soon for your sake! They grow fast right now. If he is already almost 8 lbs... Maybe your body will behave better than mine! :-p