Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Fun and Games

Update time! What has been happening in Carrie's life? you ask. Well, not a whole lot, so luckily you won't have to read very much. David was gone this last weekend for a youth retreat at the beach. I went downtown to The Bite on Friday evening with Coleen and we met several other friends there. It was super crowded so we ended up sitting in a cramped group on the grass and couldn't really see the bands from where we were. We could hear them though, and I guess that's the important part.

I had to work on Saturday and then I tried to spend the rest of the day indoors because it was so hot! I don't know if I've mentioned this before in my Blog but they are painting our apartments right now and so we've had our windows sealed up. Thankfully, they weren't all sealed up at one time, but it makes airflow difficult when one end of your residence is blocked-up. blah. And with this weather! - it's crazy! David came back on Sunday from Coos Bay and I was happy to have him back at home. We played several rounds of UpWords, Mancala, and Rummikub. I don't care if that makes us sound like an old couple - I love playing games!


tabitha jane said...

hooray for reuniting with husbands and playing silly games with them! for us, it is poker. i've actually beaten him several times at this game . . . jon is still gone . . . he'll be back saturday night. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is just around the corner. No time to go to the mall...then do your shopping online. We sell everything that the mall sells. Shop today!