Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Check One off My List!

I got to experience The Pied Cow for the first time last evening thanks to Niki and Coleen. How did I make it through four years of college in Portland and never stop by the place? Crazy. Well, the dessert and the company were enjoyable, and I look forward to future "girl's nights" and possibly learning to knit. (Coleen promises that I won't get addicted...)


Christi said...

Wow Carrie! First time, EVER??? That's so hard to believe! Well congrats on your new experience!

I know you probably weren't being serious, but I really like the idea of making a list of everything I haven't done in Portland and checking them off as I do it!

You have inspired me!!!

Niki said...

It was a fun dessert night.... The Marionberry pie was so yummy!

tabitha jane said...

mmmm peid cow . . .