Monday, July 25, 2005

Look at them now!

Another brief weekend. *sigh* David came home on Friday evening and I was glad to have him return after another week of being gone at camp. I don't know how people can maintain long-distance relationships - I was just glad that he was able to call me everyday and that it was only for a week. I just miss him so much when he's gone. Seriously, how do people manage it? Let me know if you have any insights.

On Saturday after work we drove down to Philomath to celebrate with one of my high school friends. She got married in May in Birmingham, and her parents were hosting a wedding celebration for her here in Oregon. It was really great to see a lot of my high school buddies - I hadn't seen some of them in years! It was interesting to also see how different our lives are now that we have gone separate ways.

When looking at the lives of the five of us friends who were at the party this weekend, it is hard to believe that we all came from the same tiny town. The variety includes: My recently married friend who just bought a new house in Alabama, sports a HUGE diamond ring, has an English Bulldog named Sherman, and complains endlessly about people and events from years ago. Another friend who has gone to 3 different colleges (with no degree as of yet to show for it), gets paid big bucks to be a nanny for two girls, writes a column for a local newspaper and lives in Corvallis with a guy with a very jealous girlfriend. Yet another of the friends went to a local community college to study photography, is living in Philomath with her parents, has a 1-year-old daughter, and works part-time at a local thrift shop. Finally, one of the gals is working on her Masters in economics at U of O, works for the state of Oregon in Salem as a legal assistant, and has a very mellow social life. Oh, and of course there is me, and I am the coolest of them all!

1 comment:

Erin said...

It's weird to run into people you used to know and see how different your lives have changed. Even the friends I stay close with have changed drastically.