Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oliver Talks To Himself

We recently introduced Oliver to his floor gym (thanks Ron, Toni, Jeremy, and Mandi!) and he seems to really enjoy it - at least for short periods of time. I started taking a video clip of him on it waving his arms around and kicking his legs, and then noticed that he started to smile and talk. He was interacting with his own reflection in the little mirror above his head!

Oli was probably thinking, "Who is that handsome boy looking down at me?" ;)


Just me and my kids said...

it is so nice when they start being able to keep themselves busy and happy for periods of time. Yet strangely sad at the same time because it means they are already growing up... and I haven't even met him yet.

Mandi said...

Don't you just love that! It always cracked me up to watch Kaden talk to himself!