Thursday, June 18, 2009

My New Friend, 3 AM

Yep, as the title of this post suggests, I am finding myself more and more acquainted with the wee hours of morning. It's a little after 3:00 am currently, and I am feeding Oliver again. I fed him last at midnight after he had been fussing for about an hour on and off. I laid him back in his bed asleep at 12:45 am after he ate, but he kept waking up crying every 20 minutes or so. Maybe after this meal he'll actually be ready for some rest. I was getting used to having chunks of sleep ranging from 3-4 hours at a time, and I hope Oli is not going to lose that routine!

Doesn't he know that we'll all be a lot happier if he does less crying and more of this?:

He really does look peaceful and content in this pic from earlier in the day yesterday - sounds nice right about now!

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