Saturday, June 27, 2009

At Least We Weren't Going Somewhere!

Yesterday started out a bit challenging... As I was feeding Oliver in the morning, he started messing his diaper and I could tell it was a lot. In a few minutes when I went to change him, I realized that his diaper had not successfully contained everything. Somehow he managed to spill out both the leg-holes and up his back! I took my time cleaning him up and getting him dressed for the day. We were having a happy and fun time together, and I put him in a cute new outfit. When he was all fresh and ready, I scooped him up and was walking to get some toys. Suddenly, he started gagging and preceded to throw-up all his breakfast! I tried to react quickly, but we managed to get it all over his little body, down my front, on the rug, and made a big puddle on the hardwood floor! Let's just say I had to start the clean-up process all over again, and I was thankful that we were not in hurry to go somewhere! Messy little boy!

Although I give him sponge baths most often, he is enjoying his tub more and more!

He's just past 2 months old and already able to dirty things up quite well. I'm guessing there will be use of lots of baby soap and OxyClean in my future!

1 comment:

Just me and my kids said...

I have had similar things happen when we are away from home, that is the worst. I almost always have extra clothes for the kids, but not for myself... then I get to walk around with the "yep, I'm a mom" look. :)
How is he doing now? Sounds like he was having a bit of an upset tummy day