Friday, May 15, 2009

Sleepy Head

I think that Oliver got a combination of "sleepy" genes from David and I. You see, both David and I can basically fall asleep anywhere at anytime no matter what is going on. This is handy when you are traveling by car or plane or when you need to catch a quick nap at the office, but not so handy when you are sitting in a class or church and can't keep your eyelids open! It seems that Oliver has inherited this trait as well. I consider it a blessing when he can fall asleep quickly and remain in slumberland even when the dog is barking, David is using power tools in the basement, or some annoying car alarm is going off in our neighborhood. It does, however, make it tricky to keep him awake for important things like eating or being social when guests come to visit!

So peaceful...

Sleeping like a champ!

I guess it gives me new meaning to the expression "sleeping like a baby."

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Kaden used to be that way too... hopefully Oli will stay that way since you live in the city! :)