Friday, May 08, 2009


When we bought our house, it came with a cute little goldfish pond in the backyard. Well, it would be cute if it wasn't filled with mud and debris. David rigged up some makeshift cleaning tools and gave the little thing a thorough scrub. It was a nasty job, but he did well! (Notice the hip-waders, this was hardcore!)

The "after" picture isn't the greatest. It was actually a photo he took to list this lawnmower on Craigslist, but you can see the improvement in the background.

I think that 6 of the goldfish made the transition successfully from murky to clear water. (I guess we lost 2 this winter during the big freeze!) Now we need to construct some kind of fountain feature for the water pump and add some cool plants!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Ooo very pretty! I want a cool pond too!