Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Good Man

Good thing David is unemployed right now. (Never thought I would say that!) The break in his employment gives him the chance to help out with the Hurricane Katrina destruction which is really exciting (and scary.) He and his dad left yesterday morning to drive down to Baton Rouge, and they will be spending a couple/few weeks down there helping with the relief efforts. It sounds like they will be mainly clearing debris, helping with rebuilding efforts, and handing out supplies. Several of our friends, family, church members, and the teens at Camp Yamhill this weekend made donations to help them fund their trip. Thanks so much to everyone who contributed!

I talked to David last night and they had made it into Utah. They were stopped at an RV park to spend the night. (They are taking Jim's truck and camper filled with all their tools and supplies for the trip.) They were both tired but looking forward to the work ahead of them. Please keep them in your prayers/thoughts/etc.


Erin said...

Wow Carrie! That's pretty amazing (and scary, I agree). That's so awesome that David's right in the middle of everything actually helping these people. I donated some money, but it would feel more close to home if I was actually there. It would be extreme sadness to see all that loss and suffering. But yet so motivating to know that you're helping. David (and you) will be in my prayers for sure. Tell him I'm proud!

tabitha jane said...

awesome! i hope they stay safe and are able to help alot . . . let us know if you get lonely . . .

Carrie said...

Thanks Erin! I will tell David, and I'm sure that will be encouraging for him. I am excited to see you tonight! Oh, and you really need to update your Blog missy!

Carrie said...

Thanks to you too Tabitha! I have been a bit lonely, but I have lots of stuff planned to keep me busy while he's gone. =)