Monday, September 12, 2005

He and I

David's Update: He and his dad have been in Long Beach, Mississippi since Friday and they are staying in their camper there. They found a church in the area that is hosting work crews and is handing out food and water for at least 100 people daily (3 meals per day.) He says that people are starting to return to their homes and the work crews are helping them put things back together. He and his dad are starting by repairing the roof to the church where the food is being served. He says it has been really hot and muggy down there but he is doing okay and is enjoying helping people out.

Carrie's Update: My life hasn't been nearly as exciting... On Friday I had Coleen, Niki, and Shauna over for a girls' night. (Much easier to host without a husband around. ) On Saturday I had to work and then went with Jamie, Amanda, Roni, and a few other friends to the Sausage Festival in Vancouver. I did in fact eat a weiner, and also an elephant ear. No one would ride on the Zipper with me and I was bummed, but Jamie won me a stuffed pig at the Super Payloader game!

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