Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Grabby Hands

Slowly but surely, Oliver is learning how to better control his arms and hands. Right now he is able to get both arms up and bat around at a particular toy. The challenge for him is to open his hands so he can actually grab onto an object. He likes to keep his little fingers curled up in fists most of the time. Lately, however, he has been able to relax his hands, and it is fun to watch his surprise as he gets a grip on a toy and moves it around.

Playing can sure be hard work!


Just me and my kids said...

I love when they are content to play so you go to get things done while you can and they fall asleep without fuss... :)

Mandi said...

That is a familiar pose! Kaden used to pass out on his floor gym all the time! Love it!