Thursday, February 26, 2009

Total Adorableness!

I'm not sure why I never realized this before, but there is absolutely nothing cuter in the "world of baby" than jumpers/jackets/snowsuits/hats with wee ears on the top!

How can you resist this?!

I mentioned in a previous blog that we have started receiving hand-me-down clothes from friends/family for Baby Rude, and I am ever-so-delighted when I find an item with this "bonus feature." Maybe I should get crafty and start stitching little ears on all his clothes... How presh would that be?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you totally make me laugh.
go back and look at the babies face- he is not so happy to be dressed in ears. it's like dogs in clothes. adorable but . . . . . . . . well, just mostly adorable.