Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Home Improvements - Kitchen/Dining Windows

David has been working hard on his days off and in the evenings, and there has been more progress around our house! His focus lately has been our kitchen and dining room area. Although our house was built in the 1920's, there was a "dining nook" addition made sometime later in the century, and it was built pretty poorly. There was no insulation in the crawlspace below this portion of the house and lots of cold air came up through the floor. David braved the small space, darkness, and bugs(!) to take care of that issue!

After insulating, he was then was ready to address the cheap metal windows. Our kitchen window had actually been broken before we moved in (there were still some pieces of glass around the sill) so the only thing separating the room from the chilly outdoors was a thin storm window - not very effective!

The old metal frame and storm window in the kitchen comes out!

A new vinyl window takes its place!

David measures the old single-pane dining room window (while making a dramatic face).

There is a large hole in the wall.

...and the new window is in place!

When I put my hands in front of the glass, I no longer feel a cold draft - it's like magic! =)


Elisabeth said...

I am SOOOO impressed with all your home improvement skills...nice work guys!

Jessica said...

wow... never would i have imagined myself having window envy!