Monday, May 09, 2011

Oliver's 2 Year Checkup

David took Oliver to his 2 year checkup appointment this morning and we're happy to report that he received a glowing review. Oliver is a healthy, growing boy and we are so thankful for that fact. His current stats include a height of 2'11" (62nd percentile) and weight of 27 lbs 9 oz (42nd percentile). His vocabulary is growing exponentially and I am amazed daily at the things he is able to communicate. He frequently uses the toilet for "pee pee," and when we get into some warmer weather we plan to tackle some official potty training business because he seems to be very ready for it. He had to have one vaccine this time and when my boys came to visit me at the office after the appointment Oliver told me about it. I asked him how it was at the doctor and he said "one poke leg." David said he hardly batted an eye about it and he enjoyed the orange bandaid he received afterward. He's certainly braver than I when it comes to shots! I told him I was proud that he is such a big boy and did so well at the doctor. I think he's on his way to being a great big brother!

(Of course, he still has some growing to do!)