Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Baby is 2!

Our sweet, sweet Oliver was welcomed into the world 2 years ago today and we can't imagine our lives without him. Each day we learn something new from him as he grows, and he continues to bless us with his energy, curiosity, humor and joy. He is our precious firstborn and we love him so much.

April 20, 2009: A day that changed our lives forever!

We knew we were in for adventures when he started walking before 10 months.

He was a great travel companion to the East Coast last spring.

Despite his almost complete lack of hair at the age of one, we think he is still the cutest little guy ever in the history of the world.

His dimples continue to be irresistible.

We always have fun together!

And there's never a dull moment!

We look forward to celebrating many more of your birthdays to come!

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Almost-2-Year-Old and a (9-week-old)

My life since my last post has mainly consisted of work, sleeping, puking, trying not to puke, crying, and looking forward to being over this morning sickness! I hate to be dramatic, but I'm finding the hormones to be quite challenging this pregnancy. I am taking naps every lunch break and after I get home from work and snacking as often as I can get food past my gag-reflex. So far I have only thrown up once at work and I've only had two days when I left early because I was just getting too run-down to be productive. Thankfully, I am most sick in the evenings when I can at least be in the comfort of my own home.

David has been incredible through it all - taking care of Oliver, letting me nap on the couch, doing the grocery shopping and cooking most of the meals. He brings me a wet washcloth when I'm throwing up and consoles me in my moments of crazy tears. On top of it all, he is busy with his own job and working on our house as well. I'm so blessed to have his support and love. :)

We had our first prenatal appointment this week. The nurse practitioner I saw with Oliver is on an extended leave so I scheduled with the next available doctor - a man this time. I was a bit unsure how comfortable I would be, but I reminded myself that a male midwife delivered Oliver and there really isn't a lot of privacy or modesty involved in pregnancy appointments - whether it is a male or female doing the exams. David was with me for the appointment and Dr. Traynor's nurse was present for the exam as well. He is very professional and David and I both felt very comfortable with him so I think we'll continue to see him for future appointment.

It was exciting to have our first ultrasound and see our precious little baby blob. The heart was fluttering and we saw arm buds and the beginnings of eyes and a mouth. He/she is about 9 weeks and the size of a grape - so tiny! All these crazy hormones are caused by something so miniscule at this point - it's crazy! I will have to scan the pictures the doctor took for us. So far I've compared this baby's appearance to an alien and a hand puppet. :)

Oliver is still growing and learning everyday. His 2nd birthday is next week on the 20th. He's speaking in full sentences and new words are added to his vocabulary constantly. He's as active as ever and it's a challenge for him to "play gently" now with mommy and attempt to be quiet when I am having rest time. He likes to rub my belly and talk about the baby getting "bigger, bigger, bigger!" He's already asking for him/her to come out and I have a feeling it will be a loooong wait for him. He gives the baby "kisses" and talks to him/her too. It's very sweet and I think he'll be a very good big brother (under close supervision to make sure he doesn't help by throwing brother/sister out a window.)

I'll see what I can do about adding some pictures to this graphic-less post. :)