Monday, December 07, 2009

Baby in a Basket

One of Oliver's favorite places to play right now is in a laundry basket. The toys go in, the toys go out. He goes in, he goes out. It also is a great place for Oli to practice standing up and balancing.

Oh yeah, he also like to make some interesting noises. And I might be wearing zebra-striped pajama pants. :)

Getting His Land Legs

David took a quick video of one of the first times Oliver stood up on his own.

Obviously, he's still a little shaky, but at just past 7 months, I think he's doing pretty well!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Latest Trick

Oliver is almost 7 months old and can already wave "hi" with his pudgy little fingers. It's so cute!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Cutest Laugh!

Fall Fun

We are now well into the month of November and Oliver is 6 1/2 months old. Here are some pics of our recent adventures and accomplishments.

We love stroller rides!

No shirt on!

Oliver loves to chomp on this lion!

With his friend Elora.

Toys are fun!

Oliver still loves to make noises!

He's trying many new foods.

The floor gym is played with in different ways now.

Oli's such a happy baby!

The squirrels planted a pumpkin vine in our front flower bed and this was the result!

Doesn't he look like a big kid dressed up like this?

Oliver can sit very well on his own now for long periods of time.

I'm pretty sure we'll have some crawling footage very soon! Yikes!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Halloween 2009

This was Oliver's 1st Halloween and we celebrated at our church Harvest Party. David and I have always enjoyed couple costumes, and now with our little boy it's even better to have family dress-up fun! We found a bee costume for Oliver and then David and I got the necessary props to be a beekeeper and a flower.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Buh, buh, buh"

Oliver practices his new noise while he plays in the Exersaucer.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Exterior Paint

David determined that the exterior of our house needed to be painted before this winter so we've been scrambling to get it done. As you can see in the pics, it will be quite an improvement (when we're finally finished.) The jasmine plant growing on the front of our house had to be seriously trimmed back and David did a lot of scraping and prepping. We labored over the color choice and finally decided on some that we thought would be fun - the green is "Mother Nature" and the brown is "Cocoa Chocolate." We still have some trim to paint and David has to re-hang the gutters but we got the bulk of it done before the rains started!

Before picture:


The North Side:

The South Side:

Having loads of fun (that's my bro helping):

Making progress (my mom braved a ladder):

Saturday, October 03, 2009

More Baby Noises

Oliver was laying on the floor in my office next to David and they were waiting for me to finish up a quick project at work. Oliver starting making some noises for attention and I grabbed my camera to catch some of his sounds.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Date Night!

Oops. I loaded these pics awhile back but never published the post. David scored free tickets to a Timbers game and Jamie stayed with Oliver so we could go watch it. Our team lost but it was still fun to go out and cheer them on!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Autumn Updates

It's hard to believe that September is already drawing to an end! Winter is swiftly sneaking up on us and I know I'm not ready for the cold and rain. If only summer would last a little longer.

My new job is keeping me very busy but I'm really enjoying it at the same time. I've had to put in some extra hours in the evenings and worked over a couple of weekends too - all that and I still have a lot to catch up on! I sure look forward to seeing my baby every afternoon when I get off work. I appreciate our time together all the more now that our days are spent apart. He's still growing and changing before our eyes and it is so fun to watch him learn and try new things.

Oliver can sit very well with his back supported and even for a few seconds unaided.

Although he's only done it a few times, he can now roll over both ways!

Solid foods tried: rice cereal (getting used to it), carrots (not too tasty), bananas (willingly opened his mouth for more), and peas (big yucky face, can't blame him!)

His feet continue to be a source of entertainment and his socks never stay on for long!

Oliver recently was reacquainted with his friend Zoe who is only a week younger than he is.

He was mesmerized by her!

Two weekends ago was our church family retreat at Camp Yamhill. Oliver had his first experience on a camp mattress.

And David enjoyed the bouncy house.

Oliver and I just watched. :)

David teased Oli when he wore this outfit. I thought the lion was kinda' cute.

Stay tuned, more adventures are sure to come!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Oliver loves trying out new sounds and his latest is a high-pitched little squeaky noise. I can only imagine what he is trying to communicate!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Busy Baby

Oli is 5 months old already and it seems that he changes every day. He sits up very well now with support, and he can balance for a little while on his own. He will lean very far and reach for things but hasn't started scooting or crawling just yet. He continues to "talk" and squeal and it's fun to imagine what he might be trying to tell us. Of course we try to take as many pictures and videos as possible so we can always remember these precious moments.