Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Mother Nature must be moody today...

Wild Weather Wednesday. That's what I have declared today as...we had a thunderstorm a couple of hours ago with torrential downpours and now it's sunny! Crazy.

My week has been pretty busy already. I've been working opening and closing this week at the CU since schedules have been different with vacations, training, etc. I've also been teaching at Vacation Bible School every evening from 6:00-8:00. It's been really fun, and the kids are really cute. I'm in a "Weaving Tent" and we make woven bracelets and placemats. (The theme is a Jerusalem marketplace and I think it's really fun for the kids.) David is gone all this week and next couseling at Camp Yamhill, so it's nice to have lots to occupy my time. It hasn't been too bad being by myself but our apartments are kinda' creepy at night, and it's weird to sleep alone.

Only 10 days until my journey to Oklahoma. I hear it's real kickin' there!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Confession Time

So I copied Roni and went to I found out some interesting things about myself. One of the tests was "How Sinful Are You" and my results are below...

Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 60%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 20%
Envy: 0%
Lust: 0%
Pride: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice.

How accurate do you think this is!?

Is there summer break for grown-ups?

It's another beautiful day today, and it's Saturday so I get off work at 2:00 - score! I think it would be fun to go to a park and sit in the sun this afternoon. I got some new books at our church garage sale that I am excited to read. (50 cents each - what a deal!) Hmm...perhaps that is what I will be doing later today.

I don't think I have any exciting updates to share... Well, my cousin Jeni had her baby earlier this week and they named him Malachi William, and that's pretty cool. I hope I get to visit them soon! We took the youth group out for dinner and frisbee playing on Wednesday night. I have to admit that my frisbee arm was a bit rusty. On Thursday we did some Target (pronounced tar-zhay) shopping and got some good deals on things we didn't need. Yesterday was a long day at work invovling several crazy members. (Oh the stories!) After work we went to dinner at Cha Cha Cha and had some crazy large burritos with Randy, Danny, Mary, and Sara. We started watching Coach Carter too, but then it was past my bedtime so we only got through half of it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Sunglasses Required

What an incredibly gorgeous day! It was so pleasant to take my lunch outside to eat (and it would have been even more enjoyable had there not been a group of smokers on the bench next to me - blah.) It was really great to see some blue sky today though.

Speaking of blue...I had a very sweet gift waiting for me when I woke up this morning. I was about to turn on the water for my morning shower when I noticed a gift bag hanging from the shower head. My swell hubby had planted it there and it contained a little love note and a new blue swimsuit. It was for our "1 year and 1 month" anniversary. (insert 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' here.) Yeah, he's pretty super-duper.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Blog Part 2

I've been a faithful Xanga user until today...peer pressure has led me to the Blogger side! I think I will do my best to keep both of them updated, but have a feeling that I may end up "copy and paste"-ing from one site to the other. (If you are devoted fan, you might be tempted to read both of my blogs, but I imagine that would be pretty redundant.) Anticipate the excitement that will follow in my future entries...